
Fruits and Vegetables as Preventive Medicine

Juice Plus+ Jan 21, 2019

David Katz, M.D.

Dr. David Katz is a board-certified specialist in Preventive Medicine/Public Health, and a clinical instructor at the Yale School of Medicine. In this video, Dr. Katz talks about how most people don't eat enough fruits and vegetables and how Juice Plus+ has been proven to help bridge the gap to healthy nutrition.

When discussing Juice Plus+ as preventive medicine, Dr. Katz shares, " I hear routinely from people that when they use Juice Plus+ they start eating more fruits and vegetables. The supplement actually seems to open up a door to a more expansive remedy that this particular supplement may start to influence taste preference, shift both adults and children in the direction of a more healthful lifestyle overall.

Dr. Katz is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Childhood Obesity, President-Elect of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Founder and President of the non-profit Turn the Tide Foundation, and Medical Director for the Integrative Medicine Center at Griffin Hospital in Derby, CT. He is the recipient of many awards for his contributions to public health and medical education; most recently he was ranked number 13 in the 2013 Top 100 Most Influential people in Health and Fitness from