Fruits and vegetables leads to healthy mothers and healthy newborns
Doug Odom, M.D.
Dr. Doug Odom is a practicing OB/GYN and Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Mississippi Medical School. In this video, Dr. Odom speaks to his enthusiasm about people taking responsibility for their health, particularly mothers during pregnancy.
Dr. Odom tells us, "I am excited about the movement of people owning their own health and taking responsibility for their health, especially when they see the importance that nutrition plays in their overall health." He believes that Juice Plus+ is a great way to add beneficial nutrients from fruits and vegetables to a healthy diet and pregnancy nutrition in particular. On why he refers Juice Plus+ to patients, Dr. Odom states, "I recommended Juice Plus+ simply because I believed that better nutrition would lead to healthier mothers and newborns. Now I recommend Juice Plus+ because I know it's true."