Drink More Water
For a Healthy Lifestyle
Most people say drinking water is a challenge.
Why not make it fun?
Here are 3 ways to get the hydration you need:
Remember, if you are already thirsty, it means that you are dehydrated.
Water: Whether it’s plain or jazzed up with some lemon or lime, water is pure magic for our body.
Coconut water is a fantastic natural source of BOTH water and electrolytes. Be sure to find yourself a good quality brand that includes potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorous and calcium.
Herbal Tea: Explore drinking tea or other infusions as another way to up your hydration levels.
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Make gorgeous flavored water
Adding these ingredients do more than just add flavor.
Gorgeous Water Recipes:
Cucumber Lemon Hydrator, Super Food Pomegranate Sparkler, Ginger Apple Zinger.